The Mercy of Christ offered stirred hearts, minds, and souls to repentance and conversion of heart. Jesus' minsitry of forgiveness and reconciliation is continued in the sacrament of Penance.
This sacrament of is a call to conversion that is known by various names... is variously called the sacrament of penance, confession, forgiveness, reconciliation...
Many Gifts One Spirit (Penance)
The sacrament of Reconciliation is offered at St. Andrew at the times below:
Mon:9:30 AMto 10:00 AM
Wed:9:30 AMto 10:00 AM
Thu:5:00 PMto 5:50 PM
Fri:9:30 AMto 10:00 AM
Sat:3:00 PMto 4:30 PM
Children's Reconciliation Preparation usually begins in second grade after one year of Faith Formation in First Grade. Please check out our Faith Formation menu for more info for children's & adult Sacrament Preparation.